Psilocybin Mushroom Capsules – MINIMUM ORDER 50 CAPS

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buy psilocybin capsules – (For Micro-Dosing)

Micro-dosing mushroom capsules is not done to experience the psychedelic effects of mushrooms but rather to gain experience from something more subliminal.  Each capsule contains 0.2 grams (300mg) of Psilocybin Cubensis Mushrooms in a Vegetable capsule.

A typical trip on a moderate dose of psilocybin mushrooms (1-2.5g) includes increased intensity of emotional experiences, increased introspection, and altered psychological functioning in the form of “hypnagogic experiences” — a transitory state between wakefulness and sleep. Brain imaging studies show that a psilocybin trip is neurologically similar to dreaming.

Perceptual changes such as illusions, synesthesia,  emotional shifts, and a distorted sense of time are all characteristic of a psilocybin trip as well. These effects are typically felt an hour or so after orally ingesting a dose.

You will begin to notice changes in your visual perception, such as halos around lights and objects, and geometric patterns when your eyes are closed.

Your thoughts and emotions will also begin to change. It’s not uncommon to have a sense of openness to thoughts and feelings that you tend to avoid in your everyday life. A sense of wonder and delight with the world around you, the people in your life, and your thoughts is also quite common, along with a sense of peace and connection with the world.

You may experience strong emotions, both good and bad. Try not to resist these feelings, but rather let them run their course. Many who do report strong negative emotions also report a simultaneous sense of calm acceptance and detachment, especially if they remind themselves that the emotions are temporary.


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